It's a busy week for human rights events!
SEPT 12: 1919 Project Worker's Assembly
SEPT 16: Rainbow Resource Centre Voter Pop-Up
Free Friday Night Admission at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
"Ukrainian Artists United” at CMHR - Until Sept 30
Rainbow Resource Centre “If These Walls Could Talk” at the Manitoba Museum - Until Dec 3
Community Walks:
Spirit Horse: Wednesdays, 10am from 231 Isabel St
Mama Bear Clan: Fridays, 6pm from 221 Austin St. N
Bear Clan North End Patrol: Wednesday, Thursday & Fridays, 6pm from 584 Selkirk Ave. Saturdays & Sundays, 1pm from 584 Selkirk Ave
Bear Clan Elmwood Patrol: Tuesday & Saturdays, 6pm from 180 Poplar Ave
Bear Clan West Broadway Patrol: Thursday & Fridays, 6pm from Broadway Neighbourhood Centre (185 Young St), Saturday & Sundays, 1pm from BNC
Four Sacred Hearts: Sundays, 4pm from 419 Selkirk Ave
CommUNITY 204: Fridays, 5:30pm from 605 Main St.